
By Thoughts
May 08


There is a term in Buddhism called Samadhi, or what translates to Concentration,
though the meaning, especially here in America can be surprisingly different.
Here in America we see concentration as a way to focus on something so as to
solve a puzzle or find an answer. But that’s not the conversation I’m bringing
up here. Samadhi has a different connotation to it in the East, that of a sort
of quieting the mind so as to allow in , be present to, become aware. There is
nothing to figure out, no puzzle to solve, no answer to get. Just a quiet
allowing of what already is, a being present to whatever comes up, a becoming
aware of where we are at that particular moment.

We say in Meisner “really take in” and it is in this mind-quiet place that we
begin at ground zero to identify where we are.

Meditation , which involves a great deal of Samadhi, teaches us not to run away
from the place and time where we are at any given moment, after all “this is
what’s happening now” and running away doesn’t change that one bit. Running
away is simply our belief that we may not be able to handle the situation or
feeling at hand. That is why we self medicate with all sorts of things, in fact
anything can be used to help us “run away”, whether its drugs, alcohol, food,
work, sex, tv, relationships-anything, really, can be used to help us not be
present to what is going on in “the spectacular now”.

Samadhi (the height of divine Consciousness) or concentration helps us bring
much clarity and specificity to our choices. Making specific choices as an actor
is the thing that separates the “men from the boys” as they say. If we don’t
know how we feel, or what choices our selves and our characters would make at
any given moment we will suffer in our work from the plague of general acting.
Our choices must be clear and specific so that the audience watching can also be
very clear to what is going on onstage or on film.

But more than that, once we learn this concept of samadhi we get tapped into a
gushing river of internal insight and clarity which helps every other aspect of
our life. We have tapped into a limitless resource I call our higher
consciousness and we will know what motivates us, what frightens us, what
excites us and how to deal with those places we want to run from.

This kind of insight will also begin to reveal to us just how capable,
sufficient and able we are. It will reveal to us our true divine nature and the
power inherent in that knowing. It will reveal to us that we are here to be
compassionate, abundant, prosperous, giving , kind, loving. It will remove any
perception of lack and limitation and doubt , it will remind you that you are
the one who has something to offer and so it will shift how you show up. Instead
of showing up to “get” you will show up to share. Others, including casting
directors, agents, boyfriends and family will share in the benefit you bring to
them. And audience members will feel the cathartic, healing and energetic shift
in their being when they leave the theatre.

And, although its challenging to sit quietly in samadhi in the beginning it
will get easier over time, I promise. Start with a minute in the morning and
night and then to two minutes and then to .. Well, u get the point.. To be the
change you want to see in the world.

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