How Do I Book A Film Or A Show?

How Do I Book A Film Or A Show?
By Thoughts
May 08

How Do I Book A Film Or A Show?

Do you want to book that show or commercial or film? Do you walk into an audition wanting to be the best you can be? Or do you walk in wanting to just be able to get through the audition without passing out? Perhaps you look up to your higher power and just ask ” I really want this job, please let me have it” . But you see the trouble with want is that it reinforces the idea that you do not have. Now it’s true that so many variables beyond your control are at play once you walk in to the audition room, but that also implies that the people behind the desk have somehow been given the keys to your life. At least for this moment or situation. One thing I most certainly demonstrate to my students is the idea that I’m not there to “get” anything. What could I possibly be lacking? Removing this perception of lack allows me to show up to give and share, to illuminate humanity, to bring myself completely to the script and be entirely present with the casting agent or director. I’m here to share myself with you. And realize this, that 99% of the actors that walk in will be there for the purpose of “getting” so that 1% that show up to “give” will most certainly stick out. And don’t you just feel yucky when you know someone is there just to get something from you? But don’t you feel great when you’re in the presence of someone who has shown up to share something or give something to you? So start shifting your thinking from lack to abundance, from getting to giving and see what a difference this small shift can do for you!! Go ahead and give, You have plenty!

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