Something New

Something New
By Thoughts
May 08

Something New

I’m sitting here by the Christmas tree at my moms place wondering what to write about, how to be of of service not only to myself but to others through these blogs.

I can think of only one thing as I sit here under the twinkling lights;

I cannot bring the light to the darkness, I must bring the darkness to the light.

You know, I write a lot about allowing the moment to be exactly as it is, about not running, and about going with what has been handed to you in those few milliseconds we call moments. But I also love to write about thematic chords.

Search your mind for those fear few moments in your memory that Shape how you react to others and believe about yourself. Bring those things up to the surface so they can be part of your repertoire of tools in your tool kit we call acting technique. But especially pull them out so that they can now be of some use to someone else instead of dictating your behavior toward others and yourself.

Let me give you an example from my own life; Like so many of us I am a child of divorce. My dad left when I was 8 or so. Now I thought I had dealt with it through self help books and therapy but it seemed that I was always choosing unavailable partners In my romantic relationships. I could always support my case that they were leaving or about to leave and I would react toward them and myself with responses according to these beliefs. Only when I became aware of this pattern was I able to start to break them, but only until awareness came in could I even see that this was happening at all.

Now I can look at any script and find the betrayal, the abandonment , all the feelings that come up with disloyalty that I felt as a child toward my father but not have them rule my every day life (well, anyways I’m working on it).

My point is, I can use these thematic chords toward a more useful end then just letting them rule my life, but first I have to bring all that darkness to my Conscious Awareness. Where I was asleep to my ability to see how these beliefs were ruling my life I am now awake to them. That’s what enlightened means-awake! I am now Conscious of these beliefs and I can make different choices about them in my life , and I can also use them in my work as an actor to illuminate humanity, because I know how to bring all this darkness to light.

I know how much courage it takes to do it. I know how much pain it takes to begin scratching under the surface to find these things and you may need professional help or at least a network of friends to do it. But I challenge you to do it anyway! Get rid of all the places where these faulty belief systems have made your life less than enjoyable. It’s all up to you. And next year you can do what I’m doing right now, looking at all the pretty lights on the tree , a Festival of Lights in fact, and be grateful, grateful for all the dark places that have now been lit up by something new!

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