Believe In Yourself

Believe In Yourself
By Thoughts
May 08

Believe In Yourself

I know, believe me I know, what a challenge life can be. You make these beautiful extravagant plans and then life comes along and can shatter them all to bits. That relationship falls apart, the car gets towed or even worse repossessed, your business begins to thrive and then your mother finds out she has cancer, you don’t book that job you were planning on to pay those bills. Maybe you’ve gotten thrown down a few times and your disappointment grew even worse. Perhaps you developed addictions to cope with the pain spiraling you even further into the darkness, you lose an apartment or a best friend or both, you get a bankruptcy and lose everything you’ve ever worked for , the calls for work stop coming and you go deeper and deeper into despair.

There is a version of this saying in Christian, Jewish and Buddhist texts alike:

“A wise man falls down 70 times seven times and seventy times seven times gets back up again”

Why is it only the wise man that gets back up again? Because only the wise man knows the law of impermanence. That this too shall pass, that circumstances and life at some point will shift yet again. But this time you will have the strength and the foresight to understand the laws of the universe and how this life works. That money and relationship and wealth and houses and friendships can come and go but that if you can build your foundation on solid rock, the knowing that you are in the world but not attached to the circumstances of the world, then you can get back up and everything will shift yet again. That’s how it works.

And maybe, just maybe, who knows, if you can actually manifest your own reality then these things showed up for you to get through these circumstances and not around them for some purpose which are for the greater good anyway.

Remember an airplane has to meet this wind resistance before it can actually take off and fly.

I remember complaining to my first sponsor how awful my life was in the early days of my recovery and he would glibly say “just hang on, it will change”. I remember how happy I was to hear that. But then when everything started going my way I remember him saying to me , with the same amount of confidence ” just hang on, it will change” well I wasn’t as happy to hear that, believe me! But so it has turned out to be because that is the law of impermanence and the only thing we really have control over is how we react and take in these circumstances. Building our foundation on sand just means that the waves and winds come and we react so strongly to them that we get blown over time and time again.

So next time the winds and waves come remember and hold tight to the knowing that:

Deep within you resides everything that is perfect, ready to radiate through you and out into the world.

So in the words of Glinda, the good witch of the north “believe in yourself, as I believe in you.”

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