Anticipation vs Expectation

Anticipation vs Expectation
By Thoughts
May 08

Anticipation vs Expectation

It’s a strange, wonderful, at times disappointing career path we’ve chosen.
Sometimes we get that show, commercial or series we’ve always wanted and
sometimes no matter how hard we want it, work for it, even pray for it we don’t.

One of my teachers told me once that it takes 7 years in New York to start
booking. Someone else said to me that it takes 500 no’s to every yes, 500
auditions and rejections!

So how do we handle all that trying and wanting and sweating and praying? How do
our psyche’s survive the constant deferring of our dreams until something
finally comes through.

Part of our struggle is learning the difference between anticipation and
expectation. If we think we know how every little thing is going to happen we
will be constantly disappointed when life doesn’t follow our script.

I always say that you set your intention, surrender it to your higher power or
the universe (or whatever you want to call the divine consciousness) and then
you leave the “how” of it alone.

The big difference between anticipation and expectation is that anticipation
means you leave all the outcomes alone-it’s none of your business. You just set
your intention to benefit the world through your craft and let the universe
place you on your path. You prepare as well as you can and just keep taking the
next indicated step. Slowly or quickly over time you will allow the universe to
manage all the different little coincidences and happenstances that will
eventually turn out to be your career. Expectation on the other hand sets you up
for disappointment because you are set on having that particular job or show or
series and then when it doesn’t come through you are completely devastated. You
may even, like I did for a few years, feel like there is something not quite
right about you, not quite talented or educated or beautiful or young enough.

Instead show up to share at every audition without any attachment to the outcome
and remember that the divine consciousness has a birds eye view with no
limitation of time and space and knows far better than you at times what will
make you happy.

Over the years you’ll come to realize and experience that the very small crumbs
you had originally asked for have been superseded far beyond anything you could
have imagined for yourself.

Remember it’s not that you ask for too much, it’s that you ask for too little.
So set your intention, take a leap of faith that your higher power has great
things in store for you, and then see the wonderful net of opportunities that
lie ahead. See how far they have surpassed your wildest dreams. See how much
freer it feels to fly and enjoy the journey once you jump. See how much more
glorious the view.

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