Getting Rid Of Limitations

Getting Rid Of Limitations
By Thoughts
May 08

Getting Rid Of Limitations

How many times have I shown up to an audition and blown it because my fear overtook me and I was not able to do the job I came to do, that I knew I could do? How often do I shrink back because all I could imagine was how I would fail instead of win? I have worked so hard the last few years to shed this kind of limitation. Why can’t I create beautiful pieces of art whether stage, film or television? What I have come to realize is that the committee in my head, the chatter that goes on incessantly in my mind is not my friend. It is always based in comparison- bad, good, less, more, past, future, wrong and right. It always strives to get me out of the moment at hand by convincing me that the moment at hand is insufficient somehow. In the past dealing with some old resentment or in the future anxious about some imagined negative outcome. The first thing I had to do was silence these voices. When the Buddha was asked “how do I reach enlightenment?” His response was “breathe in, breathe out, breathe in, breathe out, shhh!”

By meditating and noticing the voices in your head and then disciplining them to be silent instead of ruling your mind you can learn to quiet the limitations your ego mind wants to keep you bound to. Over time you’ll see that you are happier and less judgmental of others and yourself. And over a little more time you’ll start to see you are not limited at all. But don’t take my word for it, after all I’m just another voice.. Go ahead try it “Breathe in, breathe out, shhh!” And see how limitless you are! z

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