


Introduction to the Meisner Technique fundamentals like repetition, independent activity and beginning scene study. Also covers meditation for relaxation, expanding imagination and emotional connection of characters.


The advanced scene study course for professional actors. Fine tune your acting skills for the camera or the stage. This course supports the working actor.

Private Acting Class

For beginners and professionals, private acting classes are available for actors who need one-on-one classes.

Audition Technique

This workshop takes you step-by-step through the audition process and integrates relaxing meditation techniques so that the actor can focus rather than be intimidated in a high stress environment.

Cold Reading

Similar to Audition Technique, this class provides sides only on the day of class and teaches actors how to effectively deliver a stellar audition with brand new material.



For Audition

Be prepared to enter the casting room by coaching for your auditions ahead of time. Preparation breeds confidence.

On Set Coaching

Freddie is available for on set coaching, helping actors deliver their more truthful performances.


Online acting classes are the perfect solution for actors who are not currently in Los Angeles. Classes are conducted via Zoom. Actors are assigned a scene or a monologue to prepare in 3 week cycles.

For a Role

Before heading onto set, private coachings for a role will help you prepare your character so that you are ready to go on set.


This course covers vocal technique for modern, pop and musical theater genres. Learn how to “sing the monologue” and combat stage fright.